
Rabbi Yoel Glick, director of Daat Elyon, an online center for spiritual wisdom and training, is a teacher of Jewish mysticism, pioneer of modern Jewish meditation, and spiritual mentor who has been guiding seekers on the path for over 30 years. Following his rabbinic ordination in 1981, he moved to Israel and founded Chochmat Halev, the Wisdom of the Heart, a ground-breaking school in the Old City of Jerusalem that taught both traditional Jewish studies as well as Jewish mysticism.

Rabbi Yoel later spent 25 years in the Pyrenees, delving into the mystical traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity, forging links with ashrams, monasteries, and gompas in France, Israel, and India. He is the author of Walking the Path of the Jewish Mystic, Living the Life of Jewish Meditation, and Seeking the Divine Presence: The Three Pillars of a Jewish Spiritual Life.

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