Category: Yoga Philosophy & Teachings

Q&A with Swami Swaroopananda |

Facing Fear and Generating New Habits

Question: I have a tendency to run away from hard situations. How do I properly face my fears? Answer: First of all, sometimes it is good to run away from situations; it is not correct to say that it is always healthy to face situations. Sometimes it i …

Practicing Compassion for Yourself and Others

Feeling Disconnected? Yoga Psychology Can Help.

Yoga is alive today and thriving all over the world, says Dr. Uma Krishnamurthy, a child psychiatrist who is now a practitioner and teacher of yoga psychology as well as an annual presenter at the ashram. “The word ‘yoga’ comes from the Sanskrit ‘yuge’ …

Three TTC Students Share Their Experiences

Learning to Teach Yoga: Three TTC Students Share Their Experiences

Among the 32 graduates who spent a month in the ashram’s intensive Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) are three students who shared their experience of a demanding and rewarding month on Paradise Island: Rocky Vega, Stuart Bishop, and Robin H …

Q&A with Swami Swaroopananda |

Illusion, Reality, and the Validity of Western Science

  Question: If experienced reality is just an illusion, is western science then futile, or pointless?   Answer: An illusion can be a useful illusion. We need to understand this. An illusion is not an unreal thing. An illusion is simply an app …

Q&A with Swami Swaroopananda |

Courage to Walk into the Unknown

  Question: How does one summon courage to walk into the unknown?   Answer: How do we get courage to walk into the unknown? We get courage to walk into the unknown little by little. Courage is a long process. We need to face many dangerous si …