Category: Recipes

Refreshing Cucumber Mint Cooler Recipe

Cool down this summer with a refreshing Cucumber Mint Cooler. This simple, delicious, and hydrating drink is perfect for balancing pitta and keeping you cool all season long. Ingredients: 1 large cucumber, peeled and chopped 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves 2 …

Gnocchi with Spinach and Basil Sauce

These tender, little Italian dumplings are best when homemade, and make a delightful alternative to pasta dishes. You can use fresh or canned tomatoes. Serves 6. Ingredients: 2 1/4 pounds potatoes, chopped Salt 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil 1 1/2 cu …

Vegan Banana Bread Recipe

Nobody likes to waste food. So when you have bananas about to go bad, make banana bread! Here is one of our favourite recipes for when we have extra bananas.   Wet ingredients: 3 medium to large very ripe bananas ⅓ cup coconut oil or vegetable oil …

Kitchari is medicine

“Let medicine be thy food and food be thy medicine.” – Hippocrates of Cos, Greece, 460-377 B.C.   With so many fad diets flooding your mind with ideas like “all carbs are bad for you” or “you need more protein,” it can be confusing to know what to …

Yogic Recipes for Busy Lives: Yummy Superfood Banana Nice Cream

Some people limit their fruit intake to just mornings or desserts. Yogis say, eat more fruit! This refreshing snack is filled with vitamins, antioxidants, and all the health-promoting properties of fruit.