Category: Yoga Lifestyle & Practice

When the breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is still, so is the mind still. —Hatha Yoga Pradipika Benefits of the Full Yogic Breath Practitioners at all levels benefit from the Full Yogic Breath, which increases lung capa …

In these days of mindfulness, positive psychology and the science of happiness, the yogic lifestyle is the ideal approach to health and well-being. Why? Because much of what we may think of as new has actually been taught in the yoga tradition for mill …

Among the 32 graduates who spent a month in the ashram’s intensive Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) are three students who shared their experience of a demanding and rewarding month on Paradise Island: Rocky Vega, Stuart Bishop, and Robin H …

by Katie Papo (Ambika) We all know how easy it is to fall out of balance — especially in winter, when we gravitate more toward heavy comfort foods and become less active. Although eating warmer, heavier foods and slowing down in the winte …

What do a Google executive and a yoga teacher have in common? They are embodied in Sivananda Yoga Teacher Gopi Kallayil, whose job as Chief Evangelist for Brand Marketing at Google has sent him throughout the world delivering the company message …