Category: Science & Spirituality

Why Sleep is the Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Health (And How to Implement Good Sleep Hygiene)

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, sleep often takes a backseat. Yet, it’s one of the most crucial factors for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Both Yoga and Ayurveda emphasize the significance of sleep, known as “Nidra”, as essential f …

How to Prepare for the May 15th Total Lunar Eclipse: Dos and Don’ts Guide to Prayer, Puja, and Gratitude

When the gods and the demons churned the milky ocean in days of yore, nectar came out of it. Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Mohini, a charming lady, deluded the demons and distributed the nectar only among the gods. But Rahu had disguised himself as a …

Yoga, Nutrition, and the Ashram Experience: An Interview with Mona Sharma

And then the doctors say: Mona, if we go through with the surgery, you might have to wear a pacemaker for the rest of your life. That was when I decided: no more; that’s it. This is not my life. This is not my health, I know there’s a better way. And I knew that I had to get back home, home to my inner self, I had to return to the ashram.

Healing Ourselves: An Interview with Dr. Shamini Jain

A healer is essentially anyone who facilitates healing in another person. And honestly, it doesn’t necessarily just mean energy or spiritual healing. It is someone that believes in what they’re offering, that puts the patient first, that has a positive attitude. The healer isn’t actually doing any healing, it’s the person who is sick that is doing the healing, all the healer does is open up the pathways in the person’s body to facilitate that healing.

Art Of Self-Love with Dr. Shamini Jain

The workshop began with a dance of surrender to Durga. Shamini cleverly avoided inducing the anxiety of performance in our minds by bringing our awareness slowly into the interior: first, she asked us to move. The silence felt deafening, the eyes begged to remain open and the body felt awkward… finally, the music came.