Category: Yoga Lifestyle & Practice

The upkeep of a healthy and pure body is a crucial part of the spiritual path, because a healthy body is important for spiritual practice. With a healthy body, meditation, yoga, and spiritual practice are possible. With a cleansed body, the mind become …

Many of us first turned to yoga whilst looking for change. It takes great courage and openness to heal our negative habits and create new healthy ones. No matter our habits, addictions, or cravings, yogic practices can transform them from the inside ou …

Please share what you do. I work with grieving individuals using a somatic psychotherapeutic protocol to address grief symptoms. It enables the re-identification process that follows an important loss. Why do you do what you do? I learned through my ow …

In 2014, Katie Papo (Ambika) wrote Three Hard Lessons I Learned from Karma Yoga, describing the culminating lessons of her experiences in the Karma Yoga/Residential Study Program at the ashram. After several more years in the karma yoga program, here s …

How many facets of yoga do you know? How many do you practice? At the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas, a destination for yogis from around the world, yoga is based on five points that are practiced regularly in order to achieve wholeness in your …