Category: Science & Spirituality

In February 2015, Robert Moss shared his Lightning Dreamwork process with workshop participants. Here are the key steps, as described on his website Let’s suppose you are sharing a dream with one other person. We’ll call you the dre …

Grief, says Dr. Raymond Moody, is a blending of multiple feelings and emotions. “It’s not an illness,” he says. “It’s a normal spiritual experience that is felt in the case of loss, the process of coming to terms with the death of a loved one.” When hi …

Every time Dr. Raymond Moody addresses a group on the topic of near-death experiences, there are folks in the audience who stand up to talk about the friends or loved ones with whom they’ve shared experiences around death. “They’re always, always there …

Please share what you do in 10-15 words: I seek to distill the essence of the world’s spiritual wisdom and present it in terms relevant to today. Why do you do what you do? I believe humanity is in a deep spiritual crisis and needs to find ways out of …