Category: Yoga Lifestyle & Practice

by Katie Papo (Ambika) When I think back to my teenage glory days, mindlessly shoving pizza nuggets into my face while watching TV, “art” is not the first word to come to mind. Yet, as my yoga practice evolved, so did my eating. Here’s why: when we pra …

By Katie Papo (Ambika) Just because you’re breaking free from your regular routine doesn’t mean you need to leave your yoga at home. Try these tips the next time you travel. 1. Create an intention. Remember why you practice yoga. To cultivate good heal …

by Nicole Vahlkamp (Nirmala) It is 6 o’clock in the morning and 200 people are sitting cross-legged on a large wooden platform surrounded by palm trees made slightly iridescent by the contrast between the slowly rising sun and the shadows of the dissol …

Making flight arrangements for your next trip to the Bahamas? Plan ahead so you can travel smart and stay balanced. Holistic health specialist Julie Lusk shares this excerpt from her e-book on Travel Yoga to help make your air travel more peaceful and …

By Silvia San Miguel (Surya). Reposted here with the authors’ permission. We all know the negative impact of stress on our physical, mental and emotional health. Another thing is to know what to do to live stress-free. A moderate level of stress is a n …