Category: Yoga Lifestyle & Practice

About half of all people over age 50 have low bone mass, says yoga teacher and wellness practitioner Beata Barnard (Savitri-Devi). Bone loss is in such high proportion that an estimated 70 percent of hip fractures are related to osteoporosis. This epid …

Silvia San Miguel (Surya) is an example of how to age beautifully. At 71, she has a straight back, a calm demeanor, a slender figure. All of this, she says, is the result of a lifestyle that focuses on health and is deeply rooted in the culture …

Healthy foods can change the physiology of the body, says Marc Halpern, DC, but often our senses are so inundated with junk that we ignore what’s best for us. Bad food, violent TV, stress-inducing noise — “we’re so distracted by the party that the sens …

by Karma Yogi Barbara Clarke It may sound daunting to show up for kitchen duty as a Karma Yogi at 6.30 am on your first day, but the smell of homemade bread, freshly mixed cinnamon granola and ginger-infused sauces is enough to lift anyone’s spirits. T …

By Katie Papo (Ambika) I started off the New Year of 2011 pretty weak. Not sick. Just weak — little discipline, a few nagging addictions, and a hard time staying with my yoga practice, or any kind of healthful exercise for that matter. A friend told me …