Category: Presenter Spotlight Q&A

Please share what you do in 10-15 words: My goal is to make the powerful teachings of yoga accessible to everyone. Why do you do what you do? I feel so blessed to have found these life-changing practices, which have provided me with a peace and joy tha …

Please share what you do in 10-15 words: I run a company called TeenYoga, which trains yoga teachers to work with teens in creative and inclusive ways, following the main principles of yoga. Why do you do what you do? Because I have two teenage sons wh …

Presenter Spotlight: Jeffrey Armstrong Please share what you do in 10-15 words: I teach the meanings, methods and meditations of the Vedic library of wisdom around the world in clear English. Why do you do what you do? There is nothing else one can do …

Please share what you do in 10-15 words. I have developed a model of medical yoga called Cardiac Medical Yoga that is used for patients with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Why do you do what you do? Heart disease is the numbe …

Please share what you do in 10-15 words. Permaculture designer and teacher of the Permaculture Design Certificate Course. Why do you do what you do? I am inspired by the thinking and ethics behind permaculture design and am passionate about sharing it …