Category: Ashram News

This season marks the 50-year anniversary of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat. Since 1968, the ashram has served the mission of our founder and Guru, Swami Vishnudevananda, and our Master Swami Sivananda — by spreading peace, health, and joy through t …

Whether you’re preparing to experience tent life for a month in your Yoga Teachers Training Course or are committing to several months as a karma yogi, you can prepare for a freeing and worthwhile experience in your new minimalist home. Sleeping in a t …

As we approach our 50-year anniversary, it is with deep gratitude that we welcome you to the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat. Our mission is to continue to serve the legacy of our Guru, Swami Vishnudevananda, and our Master, Swami Sivananda, by spreading …
For nearly 50 years the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas has been a leading destination for people seeking a spiritual environment to study and practice yoga and develop a healthy lifestyle. To jump to specific topic in the video, use the time cod …

If one service member can use yoga practice to quell inner despair … If one veteran can reverse the harmful effects of trauma … If one yoga teacher learns how to bring hope to a member of his/her community … We’ve done good work. Our founder a …