Category: Q&A with Swami Swaroopananda

Question: Do you have advice on how to cultivate compassion? Answer: One of the most important practices that we have is called ahimsa, non-hurting others. It is a very good practice. We can hurt others by what we think, by what we say, and by what we …

Question: I completely understand the philosophy and aim of yoga. I wonder why is it that in order to get the most out of our life we need to set aside time for meditation, when instead we could practice embracing life as a gift of being human and not …

Question: What was the first lesson you learned from Swami Vishnudevananda? Answer: The first lesson I learned from Swami Vishnudevananda? This is the little story. I met Swami Vishnudevananda in two steps. First step: I went to a bookstore, looking fo …

Question: What is the meaning or significance of prostrations? Answer: Prostrations are a practice in Bhakti Yoga. The practice is called vandana, which means “prostration.” Vandana is a physical expression of self-surrender to God, or self-surrender t …

Question: What is the goal of a human being? Answer: This is a good and valid question. According to the yogic tradition a human being has four legitimate goals in life. We call them the four purusharthas, the four goals of the life, and they are calle …