
The Miracle of Cell-Level Healing

Presenter Spotlight: Joyce Hawkes and Helen Folsom

Please share what you do: We combine science and spirit for health, wholeness and vitality, via Cell-Level Healing.

Joyce received a direct calling to this work over 30 years ago and has pursued it since then. Helen has over 25 years of spiritual practice incorporating, yoga philosophy, sacred music, and healing. Together we bring a fusion of science, spirituality, humor, joyfulness, and music.

What are you currently fascinated by?
A new level of efficacy has emerged recently in the healing work, including miracles of huge tumors disappearing suddenly, paralyzed people walking, and intense spiritual awakenings. We will share these stories in our talks at the ashram.

How did you come to your path?
Joyce: A passion for biophysics and cell biology, a near death experience, direct calling to healing in a vision, 10 years of work with a master healer in Bali, and other wonderful teachers along the way.

Helen: A life-long interest in healing, initiation and spiritual practice in Christian, Hindu, Sufi, and Buddhist traditions, and a sense of wonder for the healing effects of the natural world, sound, and silence.

What are you reading?
Joyce: Riding the Phoenix to Penglai, Poetry by Taoist Adept Sun Bu-Er.
Helen: Tibetan Sound Healing by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche… and, we are writing a book together.

What surprises you about teaching at the ashram?
In our many years of presenting in the ashram we are gratified and renewed as we experience the beauty of the yoga practice, the welcoming staff and volunteers, the relaxed flow of daily life in this place, and the sense of deep spiritual consciousness in all aspects of the environment.

Dr. Joyce Hawkes is a Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, with a long-standing career as a research cell biologist and biophysicist. After a near-death experience she embarked on an exploration of indigenous healing traditions. She now sees private clients and teaches energy healing in the U.S. and abroad. Dr. Hawkes is the author of Cell-Level Healing: The Bridge from Soul to Cell, and Resonance: Nine Practices for Harmonious Health and Vitality. Her many videos online include a TED talk recorded in Bellevue Washington.

Helen Folsom, is a healing facilitator, hypnotherapist, and musician. She joins Dr. Hawkes, providing music from sacred traditions, and altered states techniques that fit hand-in-glove with the Cell-Level Healing experience. Trained and endorsed by Joyce she specializes in physical and mental trauma relief. Helen is the author of the award winning children’s chapter book series, Runt Farm.

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