Online Program

Supreme Knowledge, Supreme Secret: Teachings from Chapter 9 of the Bhagavad Gita

8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT

Swami Brahmananda
Tuition: $99

Program Type: Online Course

Date & Time: Offered as 8 weekly sessions on Wednesdays, Sept 23, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4 & 11, 7:00-8:30pm EDT

Hours: 12 hours

What you’ll learn:

  • The knowledge of ultimate reality or the Self as the all-pervading existence in all the names and forms of creation, which is free and unlimited by any quality of creation
  • Brahman as the ruler and cause of creation of the world and all beings
  • The difference between the ignorant and the knowers of the Self
  • The nature and practice of devotion
  • The Lord as the dispenser of the fruits of actions
  • The practice of Karma Yoga or the Yoga of action

Course Description:

The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times and is meant to assist human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love, and hate. It enables man to liberate himself from all limiting factors and reach a state of perfect balance, inner stability, mental peace, and complete freedom from grief, fear, and anxiety. Within its eighteen chapters, a human drama is revealed. This is the experience of everyone in this world, the drama of the ascent of man from a state of utter dejection, sorrow, and total breakdown, and hopelessness to a state of perfect understanding, clarity, renewed strength and triumph.

In the ninth chapter, Lord Krishna proceeds to describe the supreme secret of His nature as the eternal, all-comprehensive Truth. He pervades everything that exists. He creates everything, sustains everything, and when final dissolution takes place, absorbs everything into Himself. In the midst of this creation, preservation, and dissolution of the universe, the Lord stands as a silent witness, unaffected and unattached. He is the sole director, sustainer, and supervisor of His creation.

The Lord’s divine protection is assured to all those who take refuge in Him. Whatever path a devotee follows, he ultimately reaches Him. Devotion, Sri Krishna emphasises, is the essence of all spiritual discipline. If this supreme element is present, then the devotee is freed from bondage.

This program is offered live through Zoom webinar with the availability for students to interact through Q&A with the presenter.

For enrolled students, a video recording will be available after each class in the event you miss a class or would like to review the content.

It is possible to register and take the course at any time. You can catch up on any classes you miss with the recordings.

Requirements & Recommendations: 

  • No experience necessary. This program is open to beginners as well as advanced practitioners.
  • Viewing Device: Desktop or laptop computer will provide the best experience, although you can also connect via a tablet or smartphone.
  • Internet connection: High-speed broadband wired or wireless is best.
  • Video: Download Zoom to your computer, or install the Zoom app to your device.  For interactive group sessions, a webcam or integrated camera will allow others to feel more connected with you.
  • Audio: Headphone speakers are recommended. If you wish to participate vocally, a headset with a microphone will be ideal.

Course Includes:

  • 12 hours on-demand video
  • Downloadable course manual

Swami Brahmananda is Manager of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat and senior staff of the Sivananda organization. A long-time practitioner of yoga, he regularly teaches yoga philosophy and meditation for the Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Courses as well as meditation immersion courses. He is a much-loved, inspiring, and knowledgeable teacher.

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